Christmas Season

How often have you thought as a kid that tonight the Santa Claus will come and offer presents to you?

santa claus

Normally you may really get them despite the fact that they are presents from your family. Such is the craze of this special festival, presents and Christmas trees related with the festival of Christmas.

Christmas Season or we can say this festival attracts many people of all faith towards it. Being one of those festivals which is widely celebrated everywhere on the world, it is significant for people to know about this beautiful festival which is known as Christmas.

Christmas has a history to it along with some traditions which go along it. To make people aware of it, here are some informations related to Christmas season which will enlighten you more about this festival.

happy kid in Christmas

Christmas is the season of happiness, joy, and peace. It is the special season put aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Despite the fact that this was its original purpose, the festival of Christmas has developed to become a symbolic time for living in harmony and love.

Christmas is basically a reminder of why human should stick to the deepest parts of their humankind. That is, through celebration, people are reminded that they should share, spend time with loved ones, give to the less privileged and have a positive viewpoint about life in general.

Christmas is mainly the festival of Christians. However, in the present time, the celebration of Christmas has surpassed the religious boundaries and become a symbol of the peaceful culture. The winters in December carries the air of festive. Usually, the festival starts much before the main day and continues for around fourteen days after that.


The reason people celebrate Christmas is to honor the birth of Jesus Christ. Religious individuals go to church and light the candles to prey to their God, Jesus Christ. Christmas is festival that is equally cherished and loved by kids and adults. People likewise bring a Christmas tree to their homes and finish it with colorful balls, red socks, and ribbons.

Christmas market

Many showrooms and market shops display a theme of glittering white and red colors to set up the Christmas mood. Christmas is also known as a festival of joy as it is about helping and sharing with other people. On this day, people remember Jesus Christ and his lesson of life.

holding hands in Christmas

The festival unquestionably teaches us to practice love and kindness towards one another and help those needy people who have less than us.

Numerous people assume Christmas as a festival of Christian and they would be correct if modern proof is to be considered. Be that as it may, with regards to its origin, this thought can’t be farther from truth. In real sense, Christmas originated a couple of a long time after the birth of Jesus in the old Roman Empire.

Christmas emanated as the Pagan festival of the concept known as Saturnalia. This festival was aimed at celebrating the arrival of the sun and the end of winter. The festival is normally a week long affair and is set apart by lawless activity and a system of penal exemption from lawless acts, for example, house breaking.

In the fourth century, Christians adapted the last day of Saturnalia to be the festival of Christmas. The aim was to get the pagans to connect this period with positive things. Thus, many pagans changed over to Christianity on the promise that they could still celebrate in this day. Regardless of whether Jesus was really born on the 25 of December isn’t substantiated by historical proof.

Christmas tree

Christmas is a best holiday season for many reasons. There are reasons that exist that make Christmas a bad holiday, yet for the most part it is a best and wonderful time of the year. A great many people around the globe will agree that Christmas is one of the most enjoyable and exciting holidays. Christmas is a good holiday since students get a vacation from school, people get to spend time with their loved ones, and people get to exchange gifts with friends and families. Those three reasons, among others, help to make Christmas perhaps the best holiday season of all time.


Christians celebrate Christmas by going to the church on Christmas Eve. Houses are additionally enhanced with decorations and the traditional colors of Christmas – Red, gold and green. Red represents the blood which was shed by Jesus on his torturous killing. The shading green represents the evergreen trees, which don’t lose its color even in the colder time of year. The color green additionally represents endless life. The color gold represents royalty, as it was one of the three presents given by the Magi (priests). Another popular thing of decoration is the Christmas tree, which is normally adorned with bells, tinsel and a star on the tree. The star on the tree top represents the Star of Bethlehem.

Other celebrations include a play called the classic Nativity play where a play is held recounting the birth of Christ, it also known as the Nativity of Jesus. Normally, the play is enacted by kids during Christmas Day and Christmas Eve at church services or in theaters and schools. Christmas songs and musicals are likewise a popular part of the Christmas festivities.


People will give gifts to their loved ones. Giving gifts consistently gives people that warm happy feeling inside. The most charming part is seeing the gifts that people gave being opened by people getting them. That consistently puts a grin on people’s faces.

Christmas is probably the greatest festival on the planet and is celebrated by billions, both Christians and non-Christians. It means the birth of Jesus Christ, the central iconic figure of Christianity. People typically spend time with their family and friends, showcasing the genuine spirit of Christmas.

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